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put into造句

2023-11-14 18:16| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1、To put into a state of hypnosis.使进入睡眠状态

2、Filter first running after cleaning or put into operation, must be in mesh evenly oil pouring rain.过滤器初次运行或清洗后投入运行时,必须在滤网上均匀地用油浇淋。

3、It has therefore been supplied by the Inga dam since it was first put into operation.因此,它从因加坝刚开始投入运行后就获得了电力供应。

4、Then, using special drill hole in the bumper, and detectors were put into holes.然后,用专用钻头在保险杠上开孔,并将探测器别离装入孔内。

5、At last, the application put into practice experience in Xuchang Electric company are summarized.最后,对许昌电机公司看板管理系统的应用实施经验进行了总结分析。

6、put into an office or a position使担任一种职责或职位。

7、Following the conference, the methods were put into use on a wide scale.会议之后,这些方法大大得到推广。

8、One day the cub of a wolf was put into his hands, and he was asked what it was.有一天,一只小狼崽被送到他的手中,请他告知这是什么东西。

9、Accordingly, high achievers should not be put into jobs that are inconsistent with their needs.因此,高成就者不应该从事与他们的需求不一致的工作。

10、From 2016, two-child policy is put into effect.从2016年开始,实行二胎政策。

11、People are fragile, especially those who don't put into practice what I'm saying in this article.人们是脆弱的,即使是那些不按照我在这篇文章中所说的去做的那些人们。

12、The scoundrel was arrested and put into prison.这个恶棍被逮捕并被投进了监狱。

13、The microcomputer system of sizing glue machine has already put into tun…上胶机微机控制系统已投入现场运行。

14、At last, it was put into post - evaluation of sustainability of Huai river sea - entryway project.最后,将其实际运用于淮河入海水道工程的持续性后评价。

15、But when the mustard seed is put into the earth and watered, it becomes a great plant.可是当你把这颗芥子放入泥土中并且适时浇灌,它便会长成一棵巨大的植物。

16、Ms Mason put into practice what she learned at SOM, and ran her feeding programme like a business.梅森把她在耶鲁大学管理学院的所学付诸实践,并像经营企业一样经营她的食品计划。

17、What conclusions can we draw from this experience, and carry away and put into action?我们从这些经验中可以得到什么结论,如何将结论吸收并付诸实践?

18、The law was put into effect through angels by a mediator并且是借天使经中保之手设立的。

19、New laws to control rising prices have recently been put into force.控制物价上升的新法规最近付诸实施。

20、To put into or provide with a haven.置于庇护所中或提供庇护所

21、The bad-tempered Tyson was once put into prison.那个性格暴躁的泰森曾经坐过牢。

22、His advice is in theory, and it could not put into effect.他的建议在理论上可以,但不能付诸实现。

23、To put into or cover with a case; encase把…装箱放进一个容器或盖上一个盖;把…装进箱子

24、The boat had to put into Liverpool for supplies."那艘船只得在利物浦停靠,装载补给品。"

25、In a plenty of fight against the Gang, Leo was framed and put into jail at the critical moment!李奥和狞虎会一波接著一波的正邪力量对抗,箭在弦上的紧张时刻,李奥被陷害入狱!

26、Cut rice ears are put into the threshing roller by a taper screw conveyor for threshing.割断后的禾穗由一个锥度螺旋输送器输入脱粒滚筒脱粒。

27、Not often is that phrase put into action, and especially not domestically.然而这个字眼一般只是说说而已,如果在一国之内,那就更不会付诸行动了。

28、Last year the Forbes family motor yacht, the Highlander, was put into dry dock, its crew laid off.去年福布斯家族的汉兰达(Highlander)游艇都被拖到了干船坞里,船员也已被辞退。

29、His proposal is practicable in theory but can't be put into effect.他的建议在理论上可以,但不能付诸实现。

30、Capable of being put into a one-to-one relationship. Used of two sets.等价的,等积的能排列成一一对应的。用在两组数上

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